Planning Department
Government of Andhrapradesh
AP SDG Journey
The state government has followed a rigorous and logical step-by-step process of adopting SDGs – including goal setting, target prioritization, indicator selection, scheme analysis, and developing a monitoring system. The framework consisting of goals, themes, targets, departments, strategies, and indicators is the most important component of the SDG mechanism the state has instituted. This framework identifies the priorities, stakeholders, implementers, and metrics to measure progress.
Andhra Pradesh has adopted all 17 goals, as all of them are relevant to the development agenda of the state. Actions on some targets are designed to be taken at the national or international level, and do not call for any action at the sub-national level. 691 indicators have been identified to monitor the progress towards achieving the targets. More...

Data & Performance
About SDG
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent the world’s vision for a more prosperous, peaceful, and equitable future. In 2015, all member states of the United Nations (UN) came together and adopted a framework of 17 goals to be achieved before the end of 2030. During these fifteen years, countries need to mobilize efforts to end all forms of poverty, fight inequalities, and tackle climate change, while ensuring that no one is left behind. The SDGs build on the success of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and aim to go further to end all forms of poverty and attain higher levels of development.
India has adopted the SDG framework and is committed to achieving the goals by 2030. Andhra Pradesh has aligned its development agenda with SDGs and is on its path to achieve the goals in the envisaged timeframe. It is planned to design this dashboard in such a way that it presents snapshots of the current status, and comparisons at the state and district levels.
This dashboard follows the methodology adopted by NITI Aayog in its SDG India Index – Baseline Report 2018.
This first version of the dashboard will be improved over the coming months, with the inclusion of data points which are currently missing and disaggregation of data. It is also planned to align the SDGs with the schemes related to Navaratnalu and other allied activities.
AP SDG Journey
The state government has followed a step-by-step process of adopting SDGs – including goal setting,
target prioritization, indicator selection, scheme analysis, and developing a monitoring system. The
framework consisting of goals, themes, targets, departments, strategies, and indicators is the most
important component of the SDG mechanism the state has instituted. This framework identifies the
priorities and metrics to measure progress.
Andhra Pradesh has adopted all 17 goals, as all of them are relevant to the development agenda of the state. Actions on some targets are designed to be taken at the national or international level, and do not call for any action at the sub-national level. 691 indicators have been identified to monitor the progress towards achieving the targets.
SDG-aligned Navarathalu
The achievement of SDG targets depends principally on the successful implementation of government schemes and programmes. A mapping exercise was conducted where all the Navaratnalu schemes were mapped to the corresponding SDG goals and related indicators. This helps in identifying the areas where government efforts towards achievement of SDG targets remained sufficient, inadequate or non-existing and thus serve as the basis for aligning the SDG mandate with the state schemes and programmes.
Monitoring system and progress review
The state’s SDG framework is integrated with its monitoring system- the State Indicator Monitoring Framework (SIF). SIF consists of a large set of indicator whose data are collected periodically from the ground and uploaded by the respective line departments. In this manner, progress on SDGs can periodically be tracked and analysis reports are submitted to the leadership.
The Planning Department also does an annual review and prepares progress report on SDG targets achievement that summarizes the strategies adopted by the governments in terms of schemes, programmes.
Planning Department as an orchestrator
Successful action on SDGs at the national or sub-national level calls for an “orchestrator” - a key actor within the government who can take the lead in adoption of SDGs, strategizing to achieve time-bound goals, and periodic monitoring for reporting and course-correction.
For Andhra Pradesh, the Planning Department assumes this responsibility. The organic link with the framework, identification of concern areas and design of strategies, and real-time progress reporting are undertaken by the APSDPS under the Planning Department. The periodic data for SDG reporting is obtained from all relevant line departments through the State Indicator Monitoring Framework (SIF) managed by the Planning Department/APSDPS.
The Directorate of Economics and Statistics (DES), an organization under the Planning Department and the statistical arm of the state government, shall be made responsible for collecting data on SDG indicators which currently do not exist in the statistical system of the government. The Planning Department also acts as a coordinating entity within the state government by engaging with other line departments on the issues pertaining to SDG goal and target setting while also coordinating with the NITI Aayog.